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See Results of Bungee Connect's Intern DevFest 2008
In late 2007, fifty Computer Science university students applied for 2008 internships at Bungee Labs . We flew nine of the most promising applicants from around the US to join Bungee Labs for our first “Intern DevFest”. Over a 24 hour period the students...
Sync Google Calendar with Outlook and more with WideLens
Google has just released a very cool utility (.exe download for Windows) providing users with the ability to synchronize their Google Calendar with Outlook. Some nice features in their release: schedule the sync frequency: every x minutes define...
Time to Define "Platform as a Service" (or PaaS)
Before joining Bungee Labs last year, I knew they were on to something big. I mean, really big. A big idea, an ambitious vision: to provide developers with end-to-end development, testing, deployment and hosting of sophisticated web applications as a...
Podcast with John Musser of
A couple of weeks back John Musser of joined me and Ted for a chat to discuss the state of web APIs and the API trends as he sees them. We've now recorded the conversation and published as the first of a newly launched Bungee Line...
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