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Geo-crime mashups
I think I've hit a personal first: a depressing mashup. Oakland Crimestopping is a Flash-based vizualization tool overlaying reported crime data in Oakland, CA, by type (from aggrevated assault to murder to burglary) and time on a Virtual Earth map. Fortunately...
So what do we mean by the 'Internet Cloud'?
Danny dropped by and asked me : "Hi Alex, do you happen to know of any half-decent definition of "the cloud"?" I know it sounds corny, but 'good question'!! So I'll give it a go. Now, I could get textual, but I'll first try to answer with a few pics....
If you don't like roller-coasters...
If you don't like roller-coasters, do not check out this interpretation of US house pricing data (adjusted for inflation) since since 1890 to today. Via information aesthetics .
Visualizing blog-mediated relationships
Lilia Efimova has documented the development of her relationship with another blogger, Andrea , in the form of this visualization . It marks the types of communications between each other (blog posts, comments, bookmarks, Skype chats, etc...
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