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Designing Web APIs - Twitter Learnings
Although I made it to Web 2.0 Expo in San Francisco last week, I didn't make it to a session Matt McAlister blogged about by Twitter’s Alex Payne and Michael Migurski of Stamen Design who presented learnings from the perspective of an API provider. But...
Astoria at MIX08 (REST in Vegas)
As much as I'd love to make it to MIX08 this week, time will not allow me...But if I were, then I'd be going to the following three sessions related to the Project Formerly Known as Astoria : Wed, March 5th - RESTful Data Services with the ADO.NET Data...
Podcast interviews - smart people in the world of the web
One of the fun parts of my job at Bungee Labs is to partner up with Ted and interview some smart people in the world of the web. We publish these as a podcast series ( the Bungee Line - podcast feed here ) over on the BCDN blog . If you have ideas about...
RESTpectful comparison of Microsoft's Astoria and Google Base Data APIs
Dare has written up RESTpectful comparison of the programming models of Microsoft's Astoria and Google Base Data API for querying relational data over the web (RESTful data services). Both these APIs also happen to support operations for changing the...
Bungee Labs - interviews on Podtech
Brad Baldwin of Rocky Mountain Voices , popped over to the Bungee Labs offices a couple of weeks back and recorded two video interviews for Podtech . Here they are: Bungee Labs and Their Ajax-Based IDE "After years of working with developers at Microsoft...
Announcing Bungee Connect
At last, I can tell you more about what Bungee Labs has been up to... We've just announced details about Bungee Connect, a 100% on-demand web development and deployment environment that will be going into Beta phase in May. Over the next three days...
Alex Barnett Podcasts
Alex Barnett Podcasts - I like podcasting, here are the links to them. 2008 - Podcasts for the Bungee Line Nate Bowler, CTO of @Task , July 20 2008 @task (or AtTask ) is a Utah-based tech company providing a comprehensive, web-based project and portfolio...
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