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Why OData Matters (IMHO)
Earlier this week I was in the MIX10 crowd as Douglas Purdy announced the Open Data Protocol (it was a great presentation - summarized here ). I want to share with you why I think OData could be a very big deal…But before we go there...let's start with...
Connecting Clouds: Intuit Partner Platform and Windows Azure
How about I break my blogging “hiatus” by sharing some cool stuff the Intuit Partner Platform team has been working on for a little while that involves Windows Azure? OK, then… :-) This morning, Intuit and Microsoft have announced very cool news for Intuit...
Joining Intuit
Firstly - thanks to everyone who has reached out to me in the last three weeks via email, phone calls and comments since I shared the news of my pursuit for the next adventure - I have really appreciated everyone's support and interest in my next steps...
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