Alex Barnett blog


My biographical particulars

Apparently, my biographical particulars are quite a turn on....via email:

ekat510 says:

Hello!!! I have seen your biographical particulars and something has interested me in you. I am very strongly tired from loneliness and from constant attempts to find the happiness. But all my attempts on love front have started to convince me, that the love does not exist any more. But I have again decided to try to change a course of grey and sad days. I have seen your biographical particulars and have decided, that you can help me with it. I hope to find in you that constancy and gravity, which to me still who could not give. If you want to answer me that write on:
ekat-kalinina1 at yandex dot ru, and then I can tell about myself a lot of interesting. 
                                                                                                Answer me!


Posted: Oct 13 2006, 01:47 PM by alexbarnett | with 1 comment(s)
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Tommy Williams said:

At first glance, I thought this was about your *biological* particulars and the opening sentence of the mail: "I have seen your biological particulars..." took on an entirely different meaning.

# October 13, 2006 3:04 PM