
Alex Barnett blog

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  • See Results of Bungee Connect's Intern DevFest 2008

    In late 2007, fifty Computer Science university students applied for 2008 internships at Bungee Labs . We flew nine of the most promising applicants from around the US to join Bungee Labs for our first “Intern DevFest”. Over a 24 hour period the students had to extend WideLens - the Bungee Connect calendaring...
    Posted to Alex Barnett blog (Weblog) by alexbarnett on 03-28-2008
  • Sync Google Calendar with Outlook and more with WideLens

    Google has just released a very cool utility (.exe download for Windows) providing users with the ability to synchronize their Google Calendar with Outlook. Some nice features in their release: schedule the sync frequency: every x minutes define directional flow: 2-way, and 1-way (either way...
    Posted to Alex Barnett blog (Weblog) by alexbarnett on 03-05-2008
  • Time to Define "Platform as a Service" (or PaaS)

    Before joining Bungee Labs last year, I knew they were on to something big. I mean, really big. A big idea, an ambitious vision: to provide developers with end-to-end development, testing, deployment and hosting of sophisticated web applications as a service delivered purely in the cloud. Since we announced...
    Posted to Alex Barnett blog (Weblog) by alexbarnett on 02-19-2008
  • Video demo: REST Describe & Compile for WADL

    In March 2007, I naively asked if REST needs a WSDL and if yes, was WADL the one (Web Application Description Language). The conversation goes on , but I thought the video below and pointers might be of interest to those who have an opinion one way or the other. The video Google Chalk Talk was published...
    Posted to Alex Barnett blog (Weblog) by alexbarnett on 01-21-2008
  • Podcast interviews - smart people in the world of the web

    One of the fun parts of my job at Bungee Labs is to partner up with Ted and interview some smart people in the world of the web. We publish these as a podcast series ( the Bungee Line - podcast feed here ) over on the BCDN blog . If you have ideas about someone you think we should interview, let me know...
    Posted to Alex Barnett blog (Weblog) by alexbarnett on 01-20-2008
  • Presenting at AJAXWorld, Santa Clara

    This coming Monday I'll be presenting at AJAXWorld in Santa Clara , 10:10 - 10:55am One of the demos I'll be showing off and demonstrating how to build is and deploy this Flickr / Google Maps using Bungee Connect to program against their REST(ish) service APIs. I'll also demo a Microsoft Exchange plus...
    Posted to Alex Barnett blog (Weblog) by alexbarnett on 09-21-2007
  • Podcast with John Musser of

    A couple of weeks back John Musser of joined me and Ted for a chat to discuss the state of web APIs and the API trends as he sees them. We've now recorded the conversation and published as the first of a newly launched Bungee Line podcast series. Topic covered include Facebook APIs...
    Posted to Alex Barnett blog (Weblog) by alexbarnett on 09-19-2007
  • 6 Google APIs - the Lesser Known

    Adam Ostrow at Mashable has written up a non-technical introduction to Google's most popular APIs and links to some applications built using these. His post prompted me to revisit Google's own Google APIs page this morning which lists some 36 services available to programmers. Although they are not all...
    Posted to Alex Barnett blog (Weblog) by alexbarnett on 08-09-2007
  • Bungee Labs - interviews on Podtech

    Brad Baldwin of Rocky Mountain Voices , popped over to the Bungee Labs offices a couple of weeks back and recorded two video interviews for Podtech . Here they are: Bungee Labs and Their Ajax-Based IDE "After years of working with developers at Microsoft, Alex Barnett thought the pitch from Bungee Labs...
    Posted to Alex Barnett blog (Weblog) by alexbarnett on 05-19-2007
  • Alex Barnett Podcasts

    Alex Barnett Podcasts - I like podcasting, here are the links to them. 2008 - Podcasts for the Bungee Line Nate Bowler, CTO of @Task , July 20 2008 @task (or AtTask ) is a Utah-based tech company providing a comprehensive, web-based project and portfolio-management package delivered in both a SaaS and...
    Posted to Alex Barnett blog (Weblog) by admin on 09-23-2006
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