
Alex Barnett blog

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  • Microformats Podcast

    Microformats Podcast Here's a great podcast for you. All about microformats ... Joining me are Tantek Çelik , Dan Connolly and Rohit Khare . I think it's safe to say these guys know a thing or two about the web and microformats. As usual, show notes and link to download below. Enjoy. Background Last...
    Posted to Alex Barnett blog (Weblog) by admin on 03-10-2006
  • Reading Lists and OPML Podcast

    Last year Dave Winer started to push the idea of Reading Lists for RSS . More recently, the idea of Dynamic Reading Lists and Feed Grazing (or Grazing Lists / Glists) has been kicking around. Its likely that Reading Lists support will become a common feature of Feed Readers / Aggregators. I think this...
    Posted to Alex Barnett blog (Weblog) by admin on 02-12-2006
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