
Alex Barnett blog

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  • Designing Web APIs - Twitter Learnings

    Although I made it to Web 2.0 Expo in San Francisco last week, I didn't make it to a session Matt McAlister blogged about by Twitter’s Alex Payne and Michael Migurski of Stamen Design who presented learnings from the perspective of an API provider. But I can see the slide deck discussing the Twitter...
    Posted to Alex Barnett blog (Weblog) by alexbarnett on 05-01-2008
  • Time to Define "Platform as a Service" (or PaaS)

    Before joining Bungee Labs last year, I knew they were on to something big. I mean, really big. A big idea, an ambitious vision: to provide developers with end-to-end development, testing, deployment and hosting of sophisticated web applications as a service delivered purely in the cloud. Since we announced...
    Posted to Alex Barnett blog (Weblog) by alexbarnett on 02-19-2008
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