
Alex Barnett blog

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  • OPML Podcast

    Here's an OPMLish podcast for you, recorded tonight with me , Joshua Porter , Adam Green and John Tropea . It's all about the draft OPML 2.0 spec and a few other things thrown in such as structured blogging, OPML tools, namespaces and microformats. We had Adam along today as he's been experimenting...
    Posted to Alex Barnett blog (Weblog) by admin on 03-10-2006
  • Reading Lists and OPML Podcast

    Last year Dave Winer started to push the idea of Reading Lists for RSS . More recently, the idea of Dynamic Reading Lists and Feed Grazing (or Grazing Lists / Glists) has been kicking around. Its likely that Reading Lists support will become a common feature of Feed Readers / Aggregators. I think this...
    Posted to Alex Barnett blog (Weblog) by admin on 02-12-2006
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