
Alex Barnett blog

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  • 8 Trends in Software as a Service Platforms

    To kick off the new year, I presented to around 40 or 50 members of Utah Technology Council ( UTC ) last week. The title of the topic they asked me to speak about was "Trends in Software as a Service Platforms". I searched around for some ideas and came across two recent posts predicting trends in SaaS...
    Posted to Alex Barnett blog (Weblog) by alexbarnett on 01-13-2008
  • Geo-crime mashups

    I think I've hit a personal first: a depressing mashup. Oakland Crimestopping is a Flash-based vizualization tool overlaying reported crime data in Oakland, CA, by type (from aggrevated assault to murder to burglary) and time on a Virtual Earth map. Fortunately, I live nowhere near Oakland, but if I...
    Posted to Alex Barnett blog (Weblog) by alexbarnett on 08-25-2007
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