
Alex Barnett blog

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  • Designing Web APIs - Twitter Learnings

    Although I made it to Web 2.0 Expo in San Francisco last week, I didn't make it to a session Matt McAlister blogged about by Twitter’s Alex Payne and Michael Migurski of Stamen Design who presented learnings from the perspective of an API provider. But I can see the slide deck discussing the Twitter...
    Posted to Alex Barnett blog (Weblog) by alexbarnett on 05-01-2008
  • 6 Google APIs - the Lesser Known

    Adam Ostrow at Mashable has written up a non-technical introduction to Google's most popular APIs and links to some applications built using these. His post prompted me to revisit Google's own Google APIs page this morning which lists some 36 services available to programmers. Although they are not all...
    Posted to Alex Barnett blog (Weblog) by alexbarnett on 08-09-2007
  • Ozzie's "Cloud OS" Raises More Questions than Answers

    Ray Ozzie's briefing this week provided quite a bit more detail around Microsoft's "Software Plus Services" strategy. It's definitely worth a read (or a look , and if you're feeling too lazy for either you can read Nick Carr's summary ). It's been a year since Ozzie took over the role as Chief Software...
    Posted to Alex Barnett blog (Weblog) by alexbarnett on 07-27-2007
  • Announcing Bungee Connect

    At last, I can tell you more about what Bungee Labs has been up to... We've just announced details about Bungee Connect, a 100% on-demand web development and deployment environment that will be going into Beta phase in May. Over the next three days at the Web 2.0 Expo 2007 and on
    Posted to Alex Barnett blog (Weblog) by alexbarnett on 04-16-2007
  • APIs, APIs APIs!!!!! (And Learn As You Play)

    We're seeing the beginnings of something very, very big here - Jeremy Zawodny of Yahoo!: "Today's news is that the Yahoo! Mail API that we previewed at last year's Open Hack Day is now available to all developers. It speaks both SOAP and JSON-RPC and is well documented . The SOAP API...
    Posted to Alex Barnett blog (Weblog) by alexbarnett on 03-28-2007
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