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The Web Standards Fluster Cuck
Clucking bell, Molly Holzshlag really has kicked the web standards beehive with a blog post expressing her great discontent with the W3C and WaSP . Ridiculously Inadequate Backgrounder Now, before you head off and read the post and the 60+ comments, here...
Moving my blog
OK, so I moved my new Alex Barnett blog to here for a number of reasons, explained here at my, er, new blog .
OPML Podcast
Here's an OPMLish podcast for you, recorded tonight with me , Joshua Porter , Adam Green and John Tropea . It's all about the draft OPML 2.0 spec and a few other things thrown in such as structured blogging, OPML tools, namespaces and microformats...
Microformats Podcast
Microformats Podcast Here's a great podcast for you. All about microformats ... Joining me are Tantek Çelik , Dan Connolly and Rohit Khare . I think it's safe to say these guys know a thing or two about the web and microformats. As usual, show notes and...
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