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The Web Standards Fluster Cuck
Clucking bell, Molly Holzshlag really has kicked the web standards beehive with a blog post expressing her great discontent with the W3C and WaSP . Ridiculously Inadequate Backgrounder Now, before you head off and read the post and the 60+ comments, here...
Ozzie's "Cloud OS" Raises More Questions than Answers
Ray Ozzie's briefing this week provided quite a bit more detail around Microsoft's "Software Plus Services" strategy. It's definitely worth a read (or a look , and if you're feeling too lazy for either you can read Nick Carr's summary ). It's been a year...
Does REST need a WSDL?
First read this (written by Marc Hadley ) "This article describes the Web Application Description Language (WADL). An increasing number of Web-based enterprises (Google, Yahoo, Amazon, Flickr - to name but a few) are developing HTTP-based applications...
Thinking with a hyperlinked-content processor
Alex Pang's post Thinking with a word processor led me to ask myself... This question: How does my trawling / tagging / blogging / processing of hyperlinked content affect my thinking? Answer: Immeasurably, I suspect.
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