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JavaScript crazy talk!
Mike Dierken pointed yesterday to this 1998 article by Greg Travis where Travis proposed that we look JavaScript at in a different way to how it was popularly used at the time, and argued that JavaScript had the potential to provide a more responsive...
Posted: Nov 18 2006, 08:36 AM by alexbarnett | with 2 comment(s)
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War 2.0
This mashup is clever. Via John Musser's ProgrammableWeb : "The First MMO Real Time Strategy on Google Maps. Take over the world in this real time Risk-like game based on Google Maps." Sign up is pretty painless, but a problem finding players...
Posted: Oct 20 2006, 08:08 AM by alexbarnett | with 1 comment(s)
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Atlas Beta (or Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX v1.0 Beta)
Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX v1.0 Beta (code-named “Atlas”) is now available to download - it provides a preview of the fully-supported version of ASP.NET AJAX scheduled for release by the end of this year. Frank Arrigo has some useful links relating...
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