Alex Barnett blog


I thought my Dual Cores were cool

I thought my Dual Core laptops were cool.

Until I read this...:

"But the ultimate goal, as envisioned by Intel's terascale research prototype, is to enable a trillion floating-point operations per second--a teraflop--on a single chip. Ten years ago, the ASCI Red supercomputer at Sandia National Laboratories became the first supercomputer to deliver 1 teraflop using 4,510 computing nodes.

Intel's prototype uses 80 floating-point cores, each running at 3.16GHz, Justin Rattner, Intel's chief technology officer, said in a speech following Otellini's address. In order to move data in between individual cores and into memory, the company plans to use an on-chip interconnect fabric and stacked SRAM (static RAM) chips attached directly to the bottom of the chip, he said"

80? 80??? That's a lot of flops.


dp said:

I think you mean cores, not flops.  flops is the number  of <b>fl</b>oating point <b>op</b>erations per second, which would be about a 1 trillion per second with 80 cores.

# September 27, 2006 6:42 AM

alexbarnett said:

...which would be a lot of flops.

# September 27, 2006 9:10 AM